Business Continuity

Protect and secure your data with business continuity planning solutions that keep you operational during catastrophes

No business is immune to disruptions and it’s normal for you to worry about situations beyond your control. Unforeseen events such as natural calamities, power outages, cyberattacks, and other catastrophes can cripple your company by wiping out crucial digital assets. Without a fast, reliable data and operations recovery plan in place, you are at risk of losing critical business data, such as financial records, client information, vendor lists, and more.

NOTICS helps protect your organization by pinpointing vulnerabilities, strengthening your defenses, and optimizing your data-protection strategy. Our multilayered data backup and disaster recovery solutions guarantee real-time, easily restorable backups of your data, servers, operating systems, and software in a secure off-site data center. Partner with us, and we’ll ensure that you’ll never lose data and you’ll be back to work immediately within minutes of any downtime event.

NOTICS’s backup and disaster recovery solutions have your business covered with:

  • Real-time backups and 24/7 monitoring for complete security
  • Secure, geo-redundant data storage centers
  • Regular data security and integrity testing
  • Fast recovery and immediate data corruption repairs
  • Routine updates/upgrades to your backup hardware and software
  • Highly experienced support staff to resolve issues and maintain your systems

All your IT solutions in one place

Our expert team is equipped with the skills and experience to meet all of your IT challenges, and this list is by no means exhaustive.
We also offer custom services to cover any other unique requirements.